Thursday 25 November 2010

Victorians vote this Saturday: give water a high priority


  1. Hi Brigid
    Good on you for posting this.
    Did you see the outrageous Plug the Pipe propaganda today? Not just that one thing Ellen Hogan sent, but about 30 links.
    At least they have at last come out from under their charade of integrity to be blatantly partisan. For them, it seems any party but Labor would be OK.

  2. Ah well, some would never vote Labor if their life depended on it. And some of us are grown-up enough to figure out whom we need to vote for and how to give preferences. And there are some of us who side with country folk on issues of substance but would never join with them in some of their voting habits. It is very easy to categorise people through the lattice-work of logs in our own eyes. I just know that whoever tries to do that with me, they are always, always mistaken and are in for a few surprises. But then, as you know Denis, I have some unusual takes on the way the world turns. Quietly, behind the scenes I am trying to establish some interest in a scheme/action that could begin next year. However, if this gets off the ground, it will come from urban areas; Plug the Pipe will agree with it; but the people who would be instrumental, if they agree, don't vote the way PtP think they should. But there are a few people to convince to come on board before any traction is gained.

  3. Aaah, Traction - that's the issue.
    Without that, we are all pissing in the wind.
    I know, I do a lot of it.
    Seriously, my read deck is 10 feet off the ground, so it can be a symbolic activity (occasionally).
    The rest of the time, i do it "virtually".


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