Thursday 14 October 2010

Murray Darling Basin Authority - Back office news #1

Feedback from the Shepparton community information session is now on our website

The first of 28 community information sessions was held in Shepparton yesterday to discuss the MDBA’s Guide to the proposed Basin Plan. Community feedback from this session is available on our website and will be updated as additional feedback is received.

FAQs on the MDBA website have been updated

This list of frequent asked questions is not exhaustive and we will be adding new questions and answers whenever possible. Go to and click on the Basin Plan button.

Details of community information sessions on the MDBA events calendar have been updated

The dates and locations for our community information sessions to discuss the Guide to the proposed Basin Plan have been updated on our website’s meetings and events calendar

Please note that many venues are limited in size 
so we would appreciate RSVPs.


  1. The word "precis" does not begin to cover how simplistic their analysis is.
    It could have been written last month as likely FAQs.

  2. Yeah I know. They have commissioned lots of stuff and are publishing, so they tell us, every last document that has informed their decision-making. This task is so huge. One committee not to be on, I would think. The stuff the MDBA is doing has not only not been done in Australian history - it has not been done anywhere else in the world. The only thing I can think of that may be comparable was Roosevelt's new deal and sending out the extension officers into the dust bowls of Texas and the like. The immensity of this project I don't think is taken into account by anyone - except mois. That's how it feels. This task could go on forever were one to cover every detail, research it, do community engagement on it, and so on ad infinitum. The politics is so hard, the history so intense and immense, the economics so entrenched, and the social fabric so interwoven to all of the former! This job would always have gaps. That's why I don't understand - if COAG is now involved in all our main water issues why there is not a more visible presence of state expertise in all of this. The additional personpower and resources is much needed, I would think!

  3. You can currently access over 1500 reports/documents/references MDBA has used on this website:


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